
Policies and Procedures

Check Out Procedures
- Students are allowed to check out 3 books at a time.
- Books are due 2 weeks after they are checked out.
- Students may renew their books for additional time.
- Please handle the books with care so others may enjoy them for years to come!
Lost/Damaged Book Policy
- If a student loses a book or returns a damaged book, a hold will be placed on the student's library account.
- The student will be responsible for the cost to replace the book.
- Lost/damaged book costs may be taken care of with the librarian.
- Notices are sent out at the end of each quarter with items that are marked as lost, overdue or damaged. The cost to replace the items are listed as well.
Questions can be directed to martina.nagasako@k12.hi.us

Overdue Books
- We do not charge students with fines when books are overdue.
- If a student receives an overdue notice, he/she may still turn the item in without fines or penalties as long as the item is not damaged.